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Research projects

On 25th and 26th September, 2014, Polskie Towarzystwo Edukacji Medialnej (Polish Association for Media Education) together with the Pedagogical University of Krakow and the “Nowoczesna Polska” (The Modern Poland) Foundation organize in Krakow the First Congress on Media Education, under the title "What about the media education? Conditions, goals and perspectives of media education in the times of dynamic technological, social and cultural changes"

On the first day of the Congress, two panel discussions will take place, with the participation of the invited guests, representatives of the scientific community and the world of culture, and of the governmental and non-governmental organizations; the guests are, among others: Prof. Wiesław Godzic, Prof. Zbyszko Melosik, Prof. Iwona Hofman, Prof. Agnieszka Ogonowska, dr hab. Mirosław Filiciak, minister Krzysztof Luft (KRRiT), Włodzimierz Marciński (Lider Cyfryzacji), Krzysztof Dudek (Narodowe Centrum Kultury), Jarosław Lipszyc.

The second day of the Congress will be dedicated to presentations and workshops. The workshops are organized with the aim of propagating the good practices in the area of media education. The participants will have a chance to attend sessions conducted, among others,  by representatives of the leading non-governmental organizations in this field: the Foundations “Nowoczesna Polska”, “Citizen Project”, and “Dobry Odbiór”, and the “Projekt Polska” Digital Centre.

The themes of the Congress are addressed at persons interested in the issues of developing the conscious and critical reception of the media, and in teaching their appropriate use, which means e.g. teachers, media educators, or psychologists.

Participants can register (with or without a paper presentation) and check more detailed information at:

The honorary patrons of the Congress are Mayor of the City of Krakow, Prof. Jacek Majchrowski, and the National Broadcasting Council. The patron of the Congress is PBI – Polskie Badania Internetu (Polish Internet Research Company). The media patrons are Polish TV Krakow, INTERIA.PL, the monthly “Krakow”, and the monthly “Charaktery”.



Prof. Agnieszka Ogonowska o zagrożeniach jakie niosą ze sobą media elektroniczne 25.09.2014 - video

Wnioski z Kongresu - pobierz (PDF)

The Chair of the Media and Cultural Studies of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, the Centre for Media Research, and the Students’ Academic Club "Coolturoznawcy"
would like to invite you to participate in a cycle of scientific debate sessions

Contemporary debates: the media

We consider it an important task to activate the local scientific community and the students’ community, and to encourage them to comment on the current public affairs which find their reflection in the media. The sessions will be held periodically, four times a year.

In the academic year 2014/15 the following debates will be organized:

  1. The subject of human rights in the modern texts of culture – the debate will be organized in cooperation with the "Autonomia" (Autonomy) Foundation as a part of the “Watch Docs” Festival – 20 October 2014
  2. The university: activists or rebels? Contemporary discussions on university education – February 2015
  3. The ethical dimension of the gender discourse – May 2015

If you are interested in voicing your opinion in a dispute, please contact

The participation fee is 50 PLN, to cover the current administrative costs. Materials recorded during the session will be published on the site of the Centre for Media Research, in the section "Fonoteka"

The Chair of the Media and Cultural Studies and the Centre for Media Research of the Pedagogical University of Krakow,
the "Autonomia" Foundation and
Towarzystwo Edukacji Antydyskryminacyjnej (The Anti-discrimination Education Association)

are pleased to invite you to the national scientific conference Gender-education-work. Gender censorship and practices of resistance, which will take place on the 6th and 7th of November, 2014, at the Pedagogical University, 2 Podchorążych st. Krakow.

The aim of the conference is to initiate a discussion on the role of the anti-discrimination education in the changing social-cultural reality.

Following the recommendations of the international (Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education) and national (e.g. Minister of Education Regulation of 10 May, 2013) organizations, antidiscrimination education should become an inherent part of educational processes on all levels of education. However, we have an impression that reality is far from ideal.

Therefore, during the debates we shall search for answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the role of state educational institutions (schools, universities) in introducing antidiscrimination education?
  2. How can the potential of the non-governmental organizations working towards equality and diversity be applied in the area of formal education?
  3. What forms do the modern practices of disciplining gender and sexuality take in educational processes?
  4. What mechanisms of ”supervision” (in Foucault’s understanding) affect processes of education oriented to the problems of equality and diversity?
  5. What does the ”censorship of social-cultural sex” mean?
  6. To what extent are the current school curricula  efficient in preventing social exclusion on such grounds as: gender (social-cultural sex), sexuality, age, origin, economic status, religion or non-denominationality, disability, etc.?
  7. How to organize the teaching process so that young people can participate with full awareness in the life of the local community and are able to protest against discrimination in school, at the university, in their workplace (regardless of the chosen occupation), and in any other area of activity?
  8. How to restrict the structural sources of violence, rooted in the educational  and work system?
  9. How is sex and sexuality represented in educational institutions and workplaces ( e.g. in the adopted educational and HR policies)?

Those interested in presenting a paper are requested to fill in the registration form (app. 1). The submission deadline is the 12th October, 2014. Please mail your registration form to:

The conference fee is 400PLN; it will cover the costs of the post-conference publication in a reviewed volume (details concerning the fee payment will be mailed to the participants). Those participants who plan to present a paper or take part in a discussion panel without further publication are exempt from the payment. The content of their presentation may be published on the official site of the Centre for Media Research.

We would also like to announce that the second day of the conference will be devoted to antidiscrimination workshops for Pedagogy students, conducted by antidiscrimination coaches from the "Autonomia" Foundation and "Przestrzeń Kobiet" (Women’s Space) Foundation. A more specific program will be developed after  surveying the needs of the potential participants.

Those interested in the workshops are asked to register by mail:  before the 30th September, 2014. Participation in the workshops is free.

Current information on the conference is available at

Kind regards,
The organizing committee:

Agnieszka Ogonowska Professor (Pedagogical University, Centre for Media Research, PTEM)
Małgorzata Dymowska
M.A. (The Anti-discrimination Education Association)
Magdalena Stoch, PhD (Pedagogical University, Centre for Media Research)
Agata Teutsch M.A. ( the “Autonomia” Foundation, The Anti-discrimination Education Association)
Patrycja Włodek, PhD (Pedagogical University, Centre for Media Research)