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Youth profile of psychological health - “healthbook”

Duration and venue: 6-8 hours in one or several meetings in the school

An authorial workshop project, elaborated by members of the Institute of Social Education and Therapy; its main goal is to raise social awareness of psychological health problems and to propagate the right reactions in case of alarming behaviour. Meetings cover: introduction to psychological health subjects; issues related to emotional problems of the youth, on the example of authentic stories;  workshop exercises reinforcing the acquired basic knowledge and skills. The course is addressed both at higher secondary school pupils and at tutors, teachers, and librarians.

Workshop in art therapy

Duration and venue: 20 hours in thematic blocks (e.g. music therapy) in the University building.

Participants: will be familiarized with the theoretical assumptions and different kinds of art therapy; will learn to produce artworks manually, using different techniques; will be shown possible lesson scenarios. After the course the participants will be able to implement the acquired knowledge and skills in the class.
The workshop is addressed at kindergarten, elementary school and secondary school teachers, librarians and culture managers.

Children play

Duration and venue: 5 hours, in the University building

Participants will be familiarized with different kinds of children play: physical, integrative, manipulative, constructive, thematic, didactic, etc. After completing the course they will be able to implement the newly acquired skills during meetings with children. The workshop is addressed at pre-school and early-school teachers, elementary school teachers, librarians, culture managers and afterschool club tutors.

Coaching in teacher’s work

Duration and venue: 5 hours, in the University building

Participants will be familiarized with the basic assumptions of coaching, management styles, and applications of coaching tools in teacher’s work. After completing the course, teachers will be able to solve pupils’ problems and to help them find the right direction for their interests and to make the right choices. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers.

New technologies and internet tools in working with children and teenagers

Duration and venue: 5 hours, in the University building

Participants will be acquainted with web page tools and will learn to operate on and apply selected tools as the source of information to be used in the class. They will also learn to use Internet communication tools and the interactive whiteboard. The workshop is addressed at teachers of all school types, librarians, culture managers and afterschool club tutors.

From creation to decoration: workshop in modelling balloons

Duration and venue: complete course: 4-6 hours, in one or several meetings; in the University building;

Participants will learn the technique of creating objects, animals, plants and other patterns from high quality modelling balloons, at the elementary and extended level. After completing the course they will be able to run a similar project in their workplace, and to organize balloon shows at various school events. The workshop is addressed at pre-school and elementary school teachers, tutors at afterschool clubs, children’s homes and social care institutions, at culture managers, librarians, pedagogues, all persons working with children, organized school groups and children.

Workshop in multisensory book: ”books for five senses”

Duration and venue: complete course: 6-8 hours, in one or several meetings; in the University building;

Participants will learn to create the plot of a therapeutic fairy tale, to construct multisensory books for different age categories, and to conduct multisensory classes of preventive and therapeutic character. After completing the course, they will be able to run a similar project in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at elementary school teachers, pre-school teachers, pedagogues, librarians, and culture managers.

Workshop in speech therapeutic fairy tale  - ”on the tip of your tongue”

Duration and venue: complete course: 6-8 hours in one or several meetings; in the University building;

Participants will acquire knowledge of the most frequent speech disorders in children, will learn to create the plot of a speech therapeutic fairy tale, and will learn to create additional therapeutic aids (puppets, accessories), which make the work more attractive and allow the child to identify with the story hero more fully. The workshop is addressed at pre-school and  elementary school teachers, pedagogues, librarians, culture managers, speech therapists and speech trainers.

Workshop in miniature book

Duration and venue: complete course: 6-8 hours in one or several meetings; in the University building;

The aim of the workshop is to highlight the position of books in culture and to encourage the youth to read. Participants will prepare a miniature book, 10cm x 6cm. After completing the course, they will be able to conduct a similar workshop for the pupils in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

Workshop in handwritten book

Duration and venue: complete course: 6-8 hours in one or several meetings; in the University building;

The aim of the workshop is, among others, to bring to notice the value and material beauty of the book. Participants will manually create a copy of an illuminated handwritten book of any format; the exercise includes choosing the text, preparing the paper (antiquing), copying the text and the illuminations. After completing the course, the participants will be able to conduct a similar one in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

The book through the ages – an educational multimedia project

Duration and venue: 4 hours; in the University building;

The workshop includes: the presentation and analysis of a scenario of an educational project, finalized with an interactive exhibition, uniting the participants around the subject of the book;  raising interest in the history of the book, related to the important events in the history of Poland and the world; raising motivation to read and to improve the skills of a recipient of literary works and other texts of culture. The participants will be able to conduct the course for the pupils in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

A newspaper in school, school in a newspaper – issues in managing the school press

Duration and venue: 6 hours in one or several meetings; in the University building;

Participants will be provided with basic knowledge and skills in text editing, editorial work, graphic design and press law. After completing the course, they will be able to conduct a similar one in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers and librarians. There is also a version of the course addressed directly to pupils.

A book is more than just the text. On book aesthetic

Duration and venue: 6 hours in one or several meetings; in the University building;

Participants will be familiarized with  the tradition and development of  book publications and the basic topics in typesetting and print, and made sensitive to the beauty of the graphic design of a book. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

Authorial workshop: Meetings with the Little Prince

Duration and venue: 10 lessons: 8 hours of training in two 4-hour meetings in the University building, and a two-hour supervision of the activities undertaken after the workshop in the educational environment;

The workshop  includes: multiaspectual discussion of the leading themes of the text and their psychological developmental dimension; exercises in interpreting participants’ individual experience in the context of the discussed text; playing a board game which facilitates remembering the learned content – it is also a potential educational tool in working with youth; elaborating own projects of using the text in selected thematic areas and problem groups. After completing the course, the participants will be able to run a similar project in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

Authorial workshop: a bag of stories – psychological prevention in narrative approach

Duration and venue: 20 lessons: 15 training lessons in  three 5-hour meetings in the University building, and a 5-hour supervision of the activities undertaken after the workshop in the educational environment;

The workshop is aimed at a) presenting the rules of text selection for the extended psychological prevention conducted with narrative methods and b) presenting a 6-stage authorial model of educational-preventive work on the texts of culture. After completing the course, the participants will be able to create effective scenarios of narrative preventive activities and will be able to run a similar project in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

Authorial workshop: stories about love – difficult subjects in working with teenagers

Duration and venue: 10 lessons:  8 hours of training in two 4-hour meetings, in the University building, and a 2-hour supervision of the activities undertaken after the workshop in the educational environment;

The workshop includes presentation of psychological aspects of discussing “difficult” subjects of human existence (especially love) with teenagers, with the use of appropriately selected narrative texts. After completing the course, the participants will be able to run a similar project in their workplace and to create scenarios of meetings with teenagers, discussing existential issues and based on selected literary and cinematic narratives. The workshop is addressed at secondary school teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

The power of images and the strength of words in the fantastic world of kamishibai

Duration and venue:
complete course: 8 hours in one or several meetings, in the University building
short course: 4-6 hours in one or several meetings, in the University building;

The workshop uses the Japanese technique of kamishibai, which combines theatrical, literary and graphic forms in the process of developing children’s creative activity.  The course unites the participants around the topic of the book. Attention is drawn to various physical forms of the book in different cultures. Kamishibai cards help practice concentration and focusing, and stimulate memory. Being an alternative form of reading, kamishibai is effective in working with dyslexic children and with persons with learning difficulties.   Participants will have a chance to produce a mini kamishibai set and to learn the technique of creative narration used in a kamishibai play. The workshop is addressed both at pre-school and elementary school pupils (also those of special educational needs) and at their tutors, teachers, librarians, and culture managers.

Methods of memory stimulation and intellectual development stimulation

Duration and venue:
complete course: 16 hours in 4 meetings, in the University building
short course: 8 hours in one or two meetings, in the University building;

The workshop is an authorial project using various techniques of memory training and concentration training. The main goal of the course is to introduce exercises which help improve both the operative memory and thinking, and the global, associative memory. The full version of the workshop also covers methods of speed reading. After completing the course, the participants will be able to independently use the knowledge and skills in memory stimulation, concentration training, and creativity and activity enhancement. They will also be able to run a similar course in their workplace. The workshop is addressed at elementary and secondary school teachers, librarians, and pupils at all educational levels.

The book bounty. From fairy tales to learning and therapy

Duration and venue:
complete course: 10 hours in one or two meetings, in the University building;
short course: 5 hours, in the University building;

The workshop shows how to use various forms of the book in working with young readers in order to stimulate their creativity, develop imagination, enrich the vocabulary, make them aware of illustration aesthetic, broaden their knowledge of the world, and teach them to recognize and name emotions. The workshop presents suggestions of using story therapy and employing educational, psychotherapeutic and relaxation stories.
The workshop is addressed at tutors, teachers, librarians, caretakers, parents, and culture managers working with pre-school and early-school children. It is also possible to organize the course for groups of children.

When Miss Anger comes to visit… Methods of employing literature in eliminating anger and aggression at school

Duration and venue:
complete course: 8 hours in one or two meetings, in the University building;
short course: 4 hours, in the University building;

The wokrshop is constructed basing on rich subject literature, among others, the series "Bezpieczne dziecko" (“Safe Child”) by Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, and the project "Saper. Jak rozminować agresję?" (”Miner. How to disarm aggression?”) by R. Knez and W. M. Słonina. The workshop also covers various forms of art therapy, and games and plays eliminating aggression, group exercises in empathy, and exercises teaching self-control of one’s behaviour. The aim of the workshop is to present methods of working with children who suffer from uncontrollable anger fits, hyperactive and aggressive children, children with behaviour problems, and socially “maladaptive” pupils. The course is addressed at tutors, teachers, librarians, caretakers, parents, and culture managers working with school children
It is also possible to organize workshops for groups of children.

We offer workshops and courses enriching the knowledge and enhancing the skills related to various aspects of the media. Every person attending will receive a certificate of participation.

NOTE: A particular workshop or course will open only if a group of 10 participants is created.  The dates are arranged individually with every group.

1. Analysis of media content (6h / 100PLN)
The aim of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with the methods of analysis of selected media contents, such as photography, film, or advertisement. During the workshops, various approaches to media content analysis will be discussed. The participants and the tutors will create lesson scenarios focusing on the discussed problems.

2. My child has a problem. Digital addiction – workshop for parents  (5h /95PLN)
During the workshop, the emphasis will be on detailed discussion of the problematic use of electronic media and of the diagnostic criteria. The participants will learn which signs are symptomatic of addiction and what to do in case of confirmed diagnosis. Another point of focus during the workshop will be the ways of talking to and dealing with the child when you have noticed worrying symptoms.

3. My student has a problem. Digital addiction – workshop for teachers/pedagogues (5h /95PLN)
During the workshop, the emphasis will be on detailed discussion of the problematic use of electronic media and of the diagnostic criteria. The participants will learn which signs are symptomatic of addiction and what to do in case of confirmed diagnosis. Another problem discussed in the workshop will be methods of prevention, that is creating appropriate school programs addressed at children and teenagers.

4. How to develop digital and information competences in school? (5h /95PLN)
In the present times, digital and IT competences belong to the most important human competences. They enable not only efficient information management (including information selection), but also critical attitude towards media content and cooperation in the digital environment. During the workshop, the participants will learn what competences should be developed on particular levels of education and which competences must be considered indispensable.

5. The Internet and the social media  (6h /100PLN)

6. The new media in school education. How to effectively use the digital revolution  (5h /95PLN)

7. Stimulation of visual competences in children and teenagers  (6h /100PLN)

8. Online: how to talk to children about digital media (6h /100PLN)
One of the tasks of responsible parenting is getting interested in and talking about the activities that children undertake. Since the media constitute a significant part of their lives, it is crucial that parents understand what, how, and why their children enjoy watching. The aim of the workshop is to develop the skills necessary to talk to children about the media and their activities in the digital environment.

9. The digital natives generation. Children and teenagers acting in the digital media environment.  (6h /100PLN)
The contemporary teenagers are often described as digital natives due to their constant contact with the electronic media from early childhood. This situation forces completely new habits and behaviours, shaped under the influence of the electronic media. The workshop topics will be media multitasking, cyberbullying, trolling, etc.

The Chair of the Media and Cultural Studies of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, the Centre for Media Research, and the Students’ Academic Club "Coolturoznawcy"
would like to invite you to participate in a cycle of scientific debate sessions

Contemporary debates: the media

We consider it an important task to activate the local scientific community and the students’ community, and to encourage them to comment on the current public affairs which find their reflection in the media. The sessions will be held periodically, four times a year.

In the academic year 2014/15 the following debates will be organized:

  1. The subject of human rights in the modern texts of culture – the debate will be organized in cooperation with the "Autonomia" (Autonomy) Foundation as a part of the “Watch Docs” Festival – 20 October 2014
  2. The university: activists or rebels? Contemporary discussions on university education – February 2015
  3. The ethical dimension of the gender discourse – May 2015

If you are interested in voicing your opinion in a dispute, please contact

The participation fee is 50 PLN, to cover the current administrative costs. Materials recorded during the session will be published on the site of the Centre for Media Research, in the section "Fonoteka"